From the moment we started telling people we were pregnant, everyone has had an opinion on the gender of our baby. About 99% of the people including my mother, mother-in-law, husband, and most of my girlfriends thought we were having a girl. Nothing about my pregnancy has happened to really make them think this...they just all felt this way. I on the other had was the ONLY person who felt it was a little boy. I even went as far as calling my belly "little guy" and referred to my growing belly him and he.
I have this theory why everyone thought is was a little girl....(1) I think everyone sees me as being very girly and they couldn't see me without a little girl, (2) I think everyone thought it would be hilarious to watch Dino with a little girl considering how "all boy" my husband is. Either the outcome, we were going to love this baby and could care less if it was a boy or a girl.
The tech squeezed the blue gooey stuff on my belly and went to work. She immediately knew what the baby was but waited until she could get a clear shot and show us. While we anxiously waited we got to hear the heartbeat and see other various pictures of the baby. Finally she said, "See the three lines there, that makes a hamburger, and a hamburger makes a girl!" My mom was sooo excited and started crying while on the phone with my mother-in-law. A smile spread on my husbands face because he got what he wanted...his baby girl. Even though I thought it was a boy, I was still VERY excited--I got my shopping partner.
These are the pictures of our baby girl: Sophia Floriana Tapper set to premier this summer.
Notice in one of the pictures you can see her hand and count all five fingers! The first picture shows her feet and if you notice the black blog to the right, that is my bladder. This shows that I was right, she is literally standing on my bladder!
Today is Dino and I's one year anniversary. This time last year I knew I would be as happy as I am now. However, I never thought we would be as blessed as we are today! This has been an amazing year for us and though we still have A LOT to learn about the road ahead of us, I'm glad Dino and I are doing it together.
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